Like everyone else, we sometimes feel low on inspiration, but when we log on to our social accounts and see all the amazing videos and audiograms being made with Headliner, it turns our creativity dial right back up! This week, we are taking another look at some of the awesome creations being made by Headliner users and sharing them with you to give you some additional inspiration. We scrolled through Instagram and Twitter and collected some incredible audiograms, so without further ado, here’s our top 10 audiograms of the week in no particular order: 

10. CurtCo Media

The folks from CurtCo Media used the Headliner app this week to create an awesome audiogram promoting their latest episode. This week, the gang is talking about and playing games you can play over Zoom or Skype to help you stay entertained during quarantine. The CurtCo Media creators used Headliner to add a simple waveform to their audiogram, providing more visual interest to viewers than a static image alone. 

9. Wine Chats with Bildo and Lindalin

Featuring lots of spilled secrets and plenty of wine, Wine Chats with Bildo and Lindalin delves deep into the secret confessions of its two hosts. In this week’s episode, Bildo and Lindalin discuss motherhood and why moms should be getting free massages! B&L use a simple template for their audiograms featuring a pastel background and captions so viewers can read the podcast audio even if their phones are on silent. 

8. Victims and Villains 

The Victims and Villains podcast focuses on combining pop-culture with mental health advocacy and awareness to help prevent suicide and to give individuals struggling with depression or other mental health conditions a chance to find some relief. In their Headliner video this week, the folks at Victims and Villains used one of our newest templates, Cubetica, to effortlessly create an eye catching video. 

7. Push or Pivot

A motivational podcast about people finding their way at a crossroads in life, Push or Pivot is exactly the kind of inspirational content you need when you are feeling lost or indecisive. In this week’s episode, host Thea Charles speaks with guest Kristin Quattlebaum about finding your inner magic and purpose. To promote this episode, Thea created an awesome audiogram using Headliner that features an eye-catching image and waveform. 

6. Dive Into Discussion

The Dive Into Discussion podcast is all about having open and honest conversations with influential and inspiring people, and this week’s episode certainly meets these criteria. In the latest episode, the folks at Dive Into Discussion talk to Anthony Roumell, a gym owner and fitness coach. To promote the ep, Dive Into Discussion shared a Headliner audiogram featuring a dope image of Anthony balanced on a mountain and a unique, single-line waveform that looks like a mountain itself. 

5. Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast explores the inner workings and intricate details of each episode of The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman. In this week’s ep, the gang interview Tom Schanley who starred as Michael Austin in the 1987 made-for-TV movie The Return of The Six-Million-Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman. To set off the electric, brightly colored imagery from the film, the folks at Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast included a lime-green single-line waveform in this week’s promotional video

4. History of Drugs in Society

The History of Drugs in Society podcast covers the human relationship to drugs over time, sharing interesting facts about trade, production, and usage over time. To promote this week’s episode (which covers opium through the 1600s), the folks at History of Drugs in Society created an awesome audiogram featuring some interesting imagery, audio-synced captions, and a progress bar. 

3. Keep the Flame Alive

Keep the Flame Alive is a podcast for fans of the Olympic games who want to geek out over incredible stories of athleticism each and every week, even when the torch isn’t actively burning. Hosts Jill Jaracz and Alison Brown shared a promotional podcast video this week featuring bright imagery, a simple waveform, and easy-to-read captions.

2. Cannabis Health Radio

The Cannabis Health Radio podcast focuses on stories from individuals that have found success treating various health conditions with medical cannabis. In this week’s episode, their guest has some shocking information to share about cancer treatments, and how cannabis can help individuals with inflammatory cancer to find relief. Keeping it simple, they promoted this week’s episode with a basic audiogram featuring a dimmed background, a simple waveform, and minimal text. 

1. Future Hindsight 

Do you care deeply about the world and feel a duty to contribute to it? Then this one’s for you! To promote this week’s episode, the folks at the Future Hindsight podcast shared a simple audiogram with some unique features. Rather than adding captions to the top or bottom of the screen, their audiogram features captions enclosed in a speech bubble, visually representing an awesome interview they had with Bill McKibben on environmental conservation. 

Want to see your podcast video featured in next week’s top-ten list? Share your Headliner videos on Instagram and Twitter, and be sure to tag @headlinervideo when you do!