Sometimes, knowing whether or not you are doing a good job can be more difficult than the job itself, especially if you are a new podcaster, fresh to the podcasting game! If we’re being honest with ourselves, knowing whether or not you are doing a good job is difficult for podcasters in general, not just the newbies. 

The problem with self-assessing your podcasting performance is that, oftentimes, creators feel compelled to determine success based on comments and human-to-human interactions with listeners. Though many of us have felt super welcomed by audiences throughout our podcasting journeys, many of us have also experienced those oh-so-noisy trolls that somehow drown out the positive feedback.

In reality, the best way to ensure you are doing a good job with your podcast is to follow podcast episode best practices and to take a more analytical approach to self-assessment. While podcasting is a totally personalized art form, there are some practices that can be applied by virtually every podcast creator in order to bolster success. 

Shannon Martin from Podbean has created this awesome guide to podcast episode best practices that can really help you improve your podcast, gain more traction, and feel confident doing it. Shannon shares tips for utilizing every second of your time, planning ahead, making your podcast more searchable…just go read it already! 

Once you’ve read that, be sure to also check out the Podcast Discoverability Grader, an awesome new tool from Headliner that gives you insights into how your podcast is performing online. The Podcast Discoverability Grader measures factors like RSS feed speed, episode frequency, hosting, social media engagement, directory presence, and more to give you a comprehensive overview of exactly how your podcast is doing without any of the comment section psychoanalysis! 

*Interested in guest posting here? Know a lot about podcast tracking and analytics and want to write about it with a link back to your site? Get in touch with our team and you could be Headliner’s next great guest blogger!